mlbright's shared items

M-L's occasional ramblings.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Paris and PDP

It's a tired, overtransmitted meme, but I am definitely one of its carriers: I have the love of Paris, France. Every so often, I say to myself that if I had large quantities of cash, I would buy an apartment somewhere within the city walls. I then wonder if I would still like it as much if I really lived there. And then I conclude that yes, I still would.

I am so obsessed with the city's geography, layout and all aspects of its urbanism that I am google-mapping the Paris Daily Photo entries whenever it makes sense. I hope the author of this blog doesn't think I'm stalking him.

Until there's a more clever way of doing this with the use of the Google Maps API, I am gladly doing this every day by hand, like a dedicated Paris nerd.

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