mlbright's shared items

M-L's occasional ramblings.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

new member of the martyloo franchise

After bringing you martyloo, and its multimedia incarnation, I'm proud to launch nerdyloo, the technology blog for martyloo. Yes, all that stuff I'm itching to post about but would bore most of my 7 readers, will be thrown into the "wired" (such an outdated term today when wireless is so ubiquitous) offshoot of martyloo.


Bitter Lemon said...

Stop trying to compartmentalize yourself!!!! I think I speak for at least 1/7th of your audience when I say I want to read your nerd thoughts as much as I do your musings about random kids on the subway.

Genet said...

YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED! Go to the address below to find out what to do.