mlbright's shared items

M-L's occasional ramblings.

Thursday, November 17, 2005


A post from JR reminded me of my very poor observation skills and general naïveté. When I was in high school I'd occasionally get called a BATI MAHN by some Jamaican kids. I thought they were calling me "batty", like I was crazy. Crazy wasn't anything out of the ordinary in my school so I didn't think much of it. Maybe a year or two ago, there was some public outrage at some homophobic dancehall artists and I finally put it together. I was being called a butt man. BATI = BUTT. Who knew?


PDD said...

I always thought it was a Jamaican Speech impediment for saying Patti, like Beef Patti.

PDD said...

Could I be a Batti Mahn?